Saturday, 7 January 2012

Lesson 1 Reflection - Commitment to Organization

After reviewing the two competencies within the CASL webpage as well as the entire document I am once again overwhelmed by the expectation of a teacher librarian is expected to be capable of.  I always feel inadequate after reading descriptions like these.  Although I realize I fulfill much of the criteria and I do find areas where I am lacking. I can only strive for greater attainment.

The majority of the underlying expectations of the role definitely do require a level of organizational knowledge and commitment to good organization.  Often I think how grateful I am for my extensive background knowledge of the organizational systems for libraries.  I often wonder how new t-l's manage to figure the systems out particularly those who have not taken any of the courses.

In the introduction of the CASL webpage one of the points states there is a significant body of research claiming that a t-l can have a positive impact and contribute to the overall development of information literacy if several key criteria are met.  One of the key criteria states that the 'district insist on flexible scheduling and the teacher librarian is not a prep. teacher.  In our district the primary function is to provide prep. relief. Consequently, leaving very little time for collaborative work focusing on information literacy development.  This presents a challenge in attempting to fill any of the other expectations.  Never the less, this is why an efficient and organized space is of utmost importance to capitalize on the little time left after all the prep. is covered. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dawn,
    Ah yes, it seems to be a sad reality that in many districts the TL is used to cover prep time...this creates a huge challenge for the TLs. You are quite right when you say"this is why an efficient and organized space is of utmost importance".

    Thanks for your thougths
