This course has presented both interesting and unexpected challenges for me. It is number eight out of number 10 towards my teacher-librarian diploma. Additionally, I had a number of stresses both personal and job related during the semester. Consequently, as I reflect back over the semester I recall having less motivation and energy towards my coursework. Although, I am deeply committed to my ongoing personal education, I believe I can also recognize that my personal energy has been pulled in several directions. Therefore, I recognize my level of concentration and focus specifically on my course work lacked at points over the past few months. Additionally, due to the nature of the content of some of the first lessons relating to the introduction to the concept of cataloguing I found myself very disengaged. Although, I do very much recognize the need as teacher librarians to understand the nitty gritty of the records, I also know that in my situation so much of the control over the records has been taken away it is really hard to put any energy into that aspect of the responsibilities of the job.
After stating all of that, I also recognize I have grown throughout the course and I recognize I put a great deal of energy and effort into the two very tangible and practical major assignments as well as the majority of the lessons. The most useful and tangible aspects of the course for me were the major assignments. I literally spent countless hours on both of them.
Assignment 2 provided me with a ‘forced’ opportunity to figure out how to create a webpage. I had made a few attempts before using the district based web program through the communication software First Class, but I ran into hurdles being at two sites. However, I believe I developed skills and confidence as I worked through the creation of the digital resource library. These skills will directly translate into practical applications as I continue to work with a new library page. The discussion in Lesson 12 affirmed the importance of an informative library website. In addition to learning about the creation of the website a big learning curve for me was cataloguing the electronic resources. I had to really think about different access points in an electronic resource versus the traditionally paper or other in hand resources. I struggled with determining statement of responsibility, lack of publisher information and the new tags I was not familiar with. However, it gave me an opportunity to catalogue these resources as I think we will be increasingly facing the electronic medium and we need to provide adequate access to the resources.
The project for Assignment 3 again provided a tangible learning experience. Although I spent hours of time thinking about and planning the reorganization as well as the presentation, I believe it was all well worth it. My work on the assignment, samples of previous projects as well as all of the discussion posts in Lesson 13 made me think about access to resources from a completely different perspective. The library, students and staff will greatly benefit from this assignment. I really look like a mover and a shaker having decided to reorganize the library in my first six months at the school.
Several lessons in Module 2 provided an excellent opportunity to check out all of the different tools available to cataloguers. I found myself thinking about my ‘old days’ as a cataloguer and what limited access the manual way provided for users. I think I would create a maximum of three subject headings and typically, I would very rarely create added entries, unless it was really beneficial. The main reason was filing, we would produce hundreds of card sets out at the schools and wonder if the cards would ever be filed. Additionally, in all the years of working at the schools during the day of the card catalogue I could count on one hand the number of times I actually saw a student independently using the card catalogue. I have so much appreciation for the access the online catalogue has created.
The lesson in Module 2 addressing the Dewey Decimal System was extremely useful. The posts sharing ideas about how to teach Dewey were great. Trying to teach the basics of Dewey is challenging as it seems to be a very dry topic for the students. They often don’t get that a basic understanding is the key to unlocking the mystery of those numbers on the shelf. Again, it is all about independent access, therefore making the Dewey lessons interesting and engaging will hopefully facilitate intrinsic motivation to gain a basic knowledge. Before the access to the course is closed I plan on making notes on the lessons people shared.
Overall, the course provided me with an opportunity to really consider the variety of ways we can create access to the resources available to staff and students. I recognize the importance of information literacy and I continually address those skills in my lessons. However, it is almost a mute issue if the students cannot find material and resources. Therefore, I believe now I have a greater appreciation and understanding regarding the starting point, which is actually accessing the materials. I look forward to applying my learning to my daily practice and I am looking forward to the continued changes in our library space to create greater access to resources.
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